Copyright : 2014 Next Design©. All trade marks registered. All rights reserved.
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Next Design© ne peut pas garantir l'exactitude des informations et n'est en aucun cas responsable des éventuels dommages ou pertes que chacun peut subir en ayant consulté ces informations. Next Design® se réserve le droit de changer les informations.
Liens hypertexte :
La création de liens hypertexte vers notre site internet ne peut être faite qu’avec notre autorisation écrite et préalable. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité quant au contenu de sites tiers qui seraient liés à notre site internet.
Propriétaire du site :
Société Next Design - SIRET 51490050500017 - RCS Grasse A 514 900 505 - APE 4334Z - 27 Avenue des Cigales 06510 CARROS - FRANCE -
Hébergement : Inc. PO box 40190 San Francisco, CA 94140 USA
Administrateur du site & création graphique :
Freakly® - Antoine PROFFIT Directeur Artistique Freelance - EI - SIRET 798 003 604 00013 - APE 9003A - PARIS - FRANCE -
Crédits photos :
Thinkstock - Cuisines : Record Cucine - Bontempi Cucine - Salles de Bain : Isa Bagno - Arlex Italia - Agencement placard : Neves
Déclaration CNIL :
xxxxxxxxxxxx : en attente du client
Copyright: ©2014 Next Design. All trademarks registered. All rights reserved.
Subject to the local laws and legislation governing intellectual property rights or any other similar rights, copying, reproducing and reusing any and all items or works included in the Next Design© website is strictly prohibited.
All marks mentioned herein are registered trademarks.
Next Design© is delighted to provide access to its website and to provide an overview of its business and trade to its customers.
Next Design© is not responsible for any trouble or connectivity problems regarding the online acess to its website, or any potential communication failure.
When connecting to our website, we may have the right and opportunity to collect information that we may reuse to better understand your requirements and needs, as well as personalise your user experience.
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The information provided on this website are provided for your convenience and to inform the customers interested in Next Design©.
Next Design© will ensure from time to time that the information displayed on the website are accurate and up-to-date at the time of their release.
Next Design© will not guarantee the accuracy of the information and will not be responsible for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly related to this information. Next Design© reserves the right to change this information.
You may not create hyperlinks pointing to our website without our prior, written authorisation. We are not responsable for the content of any third-party websites pointing to our address.
Website ownership:
Société Next Design - SIRET 51490050500017 - RCS Grasse A 514 900 505 - APE 4334Z - 27 Avenue des Cigales 06510 CARROS - FRANCE -
Hosting: Inc. PO box 40190 San Francisco, CA 94140 USA
Administration & graphic design:
Freakly® - Antoine PROFFIT Directeur Artistique Freelance - EI - SIRET 798 003 604 00013 - APE 9003A - PARIS - FRANCE -
Photo credits:
Thinkstock - Kitchen: Record Cucine - Bontempi Cucine - Bathroom: Isa Bagno - Arlex Italia - Closets layout: Neves
CNIL statement:
xxxxxxxxxxxx: pending